Zakat Calculator

Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam, is obligatory on all Muslims who meet the Nisab values. Nisab is the minimum amount of net capital that a Muslim must possess in order to be eligible to pay Zakat, which is prescribed as the equivalent of 87.48 grams (7.5 tola) of gold and 612.36 grams (52.5 tola) of silver, respectively.

If you wish to calculate your Zakat amount with ease, please use the Zakat Calculator below.

Nisab threshold
Gold and Silver
Trade Goods
Rs. 0
Rs. 0

Frequently Asked Questions

About Zakat

What is Zakat?

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. It signifies the amount of wealth a Muslim pays to the poor and less privileged people. Zakat is a compulsory act of worship and signifies the responsibility and duty the richer have towards those in need. Literal meaning of the word Zakat is ‘to cleanse.’ Muslims believe that paying Zakat purifies their wealth and pleases Allah SWT.

Your Zakat can transform lives and help those in need.

What is Nisab?

Nisab is a term that denotes the minimum amount of wealth Muslims must have before Zakat becomes obligatory upon them. They are required to donate 2.5% of their total wealth to those in need.

Nisab was set by Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) at 20 Mithqaal (مثقال) of gold or 200 dirhams of silver. This is the equivalent of 87.48 grams (7.5 tola) of gold and 612.36 grams (52.5 tola) of silver, respectively.

This is to be noted carefully that if someone possesses only gold, then the Nisab level for gold (87.48 grams) must be used. However, if a mixture of assets are possessed (like 1 or 2 tola gold, 10 tola silver, 5 thousand rupees etc.) then the (lower) silver Nisab level (current value of 612.36 gram silver) must be used.

What are the benefits of Zakat?

Zakat brings one closer to Allah SWT. As an obligatory act of charity, it ensures that the poor and needy are protected from deprivation, hunger and financial insecurity. Zakat not only benefits those in need but also brings countless blessings to the ones who pay it. It cleanses our wealth, wipes away minor sins and purifies heart and soul from stinginess.

“…but My mercy encompasses all things. I shall ordain My mercy for those who are conscious of God and pay the prescribed alms; who believe in Our Revelations.”

“My mercy encompasses all things, but I will specify it for the righteous who give Zakat” – (Quran 7:156)

Who are the recipients of Zakat?

“Alms (here it means Zakat) are meant only for the poor, the needy, those who administer them, those whose hearts need winning over, to free slaves and help those in debt, for God’s cause, and for travellers in need. This is ordained by God; God is all knowing and wise.” (Quran 9:60)

Here are the eight categories of recipients of Zakat:

  1. The poor (Fuqara)
  2. The needy (Masakeen)
  3. Collectors of Zakat (Al-‘Aamileen)
  4. Friends of the Islamic community and/or convert Muslims (Al-Mu’allafatu-Al- Quloob)
  5. The cause of (freeing) the slaves (Ar-Riqaab)
  6. Debtors (Gharimeen)
  7. The way of Allah SWT (fi Sabilillah)
  8. Wayfarer (Ibn-us-sabil)

Who should pay Zakat?

Zakat must be paid by the one who is:

  • Muslim
  • Major (Baligh)
  • Sane
  • Owner of wealth, above the level of Nisab (Sahib-un-nisaab)

If all the above apply, you have to pay 2.5% Zakat on all of your savings and other applicable assets.

Which assets are subject to Zakat?

It is not obligatory to pay Zakat on every asset. Only those assets that have the potential of growth or increase are subject to Zakat. These assets may be broadly classified as follows:

  1. Trading Assets.
  2. Cash & Cash Equivalent (like prize bonds, travellers’ cheques etc.)
  3. Gold and Silver
  4. Livestock (goats, sheep, cows, and camels). Nisab for this is different.
  5. Agricultural output (called Ushr)

Only the balanced value of these assets at the end of the year is subjected to Zakat. No Zakat is obligatory on the amount spent over the whole year.

When can Zakat be paid?

Zakat only becomes obligatory once a full lunar year has passed, providing that your qualifying wealth has been held for one full year. Your Zakat year, therefore, starts on the date your wealth first equaled or exceeded the Nisab and should be calculated on that date for each subsequent year.

Although you can give Zakat at any time of year many Muslims choose to pay their Zakat during the Holy month of Ramadan. This is because the rewards and blessings of giving in this month are far greater than at any other time of the year.

About TCF’s Zakat Collection

Is TCF’s Zakat collection process Shariah compliant?

TCF’s Zakat collection process is certified to be Shariah compliant. Our Zakat collection and disbursement procedures and structures have been reviewed thoroughly by our Shariah Advisor, who has issued a certificate confirming that we are Shariah Compliant. We aim to provide Muslims over the world a simple, transparent, and ethical way to invest in educating the less privileged children of Pakistan. You can view a copy of the Zakat compliance certificate.

What is the model of Zakat collection followed by TCF?

TCF follows the ‘wakala’ model of Zakat. As per this model, Muslim parents of deserving students, upon their children’s admission in TCF Schools, nominate TCF as a ‘wakil’ (agent) and authorise the organisation to receive Zakat on their behalf. This Zakat money is then spent on providing education to children during the year. We ensure that any parents consenting for the utilisation of Zakat for their children fulfil Islamic requirements and qualify as recipients of Zakat.

How does TCF ensure proper utilisation of Zakat Funds?

All proceeds collected by TCF as Zakat are maintained in separate bank accounts at Islamic Banks in Pakistan. The funds are then utilised through the course of the year to educate deserving children. We have well defined SOPs governing our Zakat utilisation. These SOPs have clearly been delineated by our Shariah team.

The percentage of funds going towards Zakat is carefully allocated based on the number of consent forms received by consenting and qualifying parents. Every quarter, a thorough review of Zakat expenses is carried out to ensure that Zakat is being apportioned correctly.

Our Shariah Advisor:

Alhamd Shariah Advisory Services, Pvt. Ltd., is our Shariah Advisor. ASAS is a Private Limited Company registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) under the Companies Act and Shariah Advisor Regulation (2017).

Our Shariah Team:

Mufti Muhammad Ibrahim Essa (CEO, ASAS)

Mufti Ibrahim Essa, the Chief Executive Officer of ASAS, is a well-known and recognised Shariah Scholar in the field of Islamic Finance, Banking, and Takaful. He has completed his Darse Nizami (Masters in Quran and Sunnah) and Takhassus fil Ifta (Specialisation in Islamic Jurisprudence) from Jamiah Darul Uloom, Karachi. Currently, he is working as a teacher and Member of Darul Ifta Jamiah Darul Uloom, Karachi. Mufti Ibrahim Essa is associated as Chairman and member of various banks and financial institutions. He is also the Shariah Advisor of various banks and insurance companies; both locally and internationally. Mufti Ibrahim has also written more than four thousand Fatawas on different topics.

Mufti Ubaid ur Rahman Zubairi (Director, ASAS)

Mufti Ubaid ur Rahman Zubairi is a recognised Shariah Advisor registered with SECP He has completed his graduation as a Shariah Scholar (Shahadat-ul-Almiyah) from the world-renowned Islamic university, Jamiah Darul Uloom, Karachi under the great supervision of Sheikh Mufti Rafi Usmani and Sheikh Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani. He holds specialisation in Islamic Jurisprudence and Fatwa from Jamiah Ashraful Madaris, Karachi. He has written and issued several hundred expert legal opinions (Fatawa) on general Islamic Science. Zubairi has the experience of being a faculty & Darul-Ifta member of the same Jamiah since 2015. He is also the Shariah Advisor of a Takaful company, various manufacturing and trading companies, NGOs, foundations, and different trusts.

Can Zakat be given to institutions?

Many people mistakenly believe that Zakat can only be given directly to individuals or families and not to organisations. This is simply not true. Zakat can be given to anyone who is ‘mustahiq’ or qualifies for receiving Zakat, either directly or through an organisation or intermediary, provided the money is spent according to the rules stipulated by Islam. When it comes to formal education of the children of deserving parents, it is a noble act, as seeking and obtaining education is a beneficial pursuit for both self and society and Islam places great emphasis upon it.

About TCF

What are the other ways that I can donate to TCF?

You can donate to TCF by using our secure online donation form. This gives you the option to make a single one-off donation, or recurring monthly donations using your credit or debit card.

You can also donate via cheque or direct deposit. For more information, please see instructions on how to donate using offline methods.

What is the impact of my donation?

Every single donation that you make to TCF, goes towards educating the most deserving children of Pakistan – who otherwise might not have been able to see the inside of a classroom. Your gift gives them a life-changing opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and build a better life for themselves and their families. The benefit of giving your Zakat for educating deserving children will not just last this year, but will last a lifetime.

Your support can help us transform lives.

Rs 32,500 or Rs 2,700 per month can support the education of a child for an entire year

Rs 870,000 or Rs 72,500 per month can sponsor an entire classroom for a year

Rs 325,000 can support the education of a child from KG to Grade 10

How does TCF utilise donations?

TCF uses your gift as carefully and cost-effectively as possible to ensure it has long-lasting and transformative impact. In addition to an internal audit department which works independently to ensure proper utilisation of funds, TCF is audited by PwC in Pakistan to ensure the highest ethical standards are maintained. Our financial reports are published on our website.

We have also received several global awards like the Qatar Foundation – WISE Award, Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship, The Ramon Magsaysay Award (Asia’s Nobel Prize), Swab Foundation Social Entrepreneur of the Year and UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy.

We encourage our donors to come for school visits to see for themselves. If that is not possible, we encourage them to connect with other donors who have visited our schools and engage with our management. We deeply value your trust and commitment to TCF, which is why we will always be available to answer any questions you may have about TCF or how your gift is making a difference.